Here are the branded templates for letterheads, posters and PowerPoint presentations including the new NHSRF 45 logo
Please note the branch membership form template is available in the Information and Guidance section by clicking this link branch membership form template
There are several versions of the logo which you may wish to use. Some of the templates have Scottish and Welsh versions as well as the general corporate version – the latter is to be used by branches in England.
We have provided some templates in Word format for you to download and use on your PC’s, laptops and tablets. You will need to personalise these templates with your branch details. To personalise details in the documents below: click on the content you wish to change, the area will then be contained in a box with a dashed outline. You can then delete the ‘dummy’ content and type in the correct details.
At this stage these templates are only suitable for downloading from a PC or laptop.
In addition, we have also provided versions of the standard letterheads in a format which can be used by commercial printers.
If you have any questions / problems using these please contact Lucia Hiden at northeastengland@nhsrf.org.uk
or call Central Office on 01305 361317
NHSRF 45 Logo – this can be used until March 2024 – please do not crop the logo although it can be resized to fit your document. NB Standard logos are available at the bottom of the page
To copy and use any of these logos, hover your mouse over the appropriate image below, right click and select ‘copy image’ and then paste into your document as required
Letterhead Templates – Word Format
Letterhead May 2023 (45 years)
Letterhead May 2023 (45 years) Scotland
Letterhead May 2023 (45 years) Wales
General_Letterhead_Microsoft Word
Scottish_Letterhead_Microsoft Word
Welsh_Letterhead_Microsoft Word
Letterhead Templates – for external printing
Poster Templates – Word Format and PDF posters are available – The Word versions can be printed and personalised on a desktop printer- add details of your branch activities or event Contact Debbie (debbie.arnold4@nhs.net) or Sherry (sherry.smith2@nhs.net) or call Central Office 01305 361317 to request the templates
Presentation Slides in PowerPoint format – these can be used if you are putting a slide presentation together for your branch
General_NHSRF PowerPoint Template
Scottish_NHSRF PowerPoint Template
Welsh_NHSRF PowerPoint Template
Logo – to copy and use, hover your mouse over the appropriate image below, right click and select ‘copy image’ and then paste into your document as required